Christmas Cake Tips and Tricks
By Judy Fraser - Cook extraordinare and #1 fan of Chestnut Teal
To your favourite Christmas Cake recipe, substitute the whiskey or brandy for the Chestnut Teal Apera or ‘The Duck’ as we affectionately refer to it in our family.
We are so happy to see it has re-appeared in our pantry after all this time!
If your family recipe requires you to boil your fruit and leave it to steep overnight to soak up the delicious flavours of the alcohol, you could not make a better choice than ‘The Duck’ with the wonderful mellow sweetness of this delicious sherry.
If your recipe doesn’t call for boiling the fruit in the alcohol prior to making the cake – that’s fine, just bring your cooked cake from the oven and allow it to cool slightly, then pour a few good slugs of ‘The Duck’ over the warm cake and allow it to drench it’s wonderful flavours throughout the cake. Wrap the cake well in a couple layers of greaseproof paper and foil and store in a cool dark place awaiting its grand entrance.